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Minion quotes from the movie
  • “Uh, la cucaracha?” – Kevin
  • “So you came for the queen’s crown, did ya? Well, you’re gonna have to get through me! The keeper of her crown!” – Keeper of the Crown
  • “Villains, this is no longer a coronation! It is an execution! Get them!” – Scarlet Overkill
  • “Freeze ray!” – Young Gru
  • “Work for me, and all this will be yours: respect, power…”- Scarlet Overkill1
  • “Mind the gap! Mind the gap! Mind the gap!”
    Minions, Bob, Stuart, and Kevin
  • “I’m going to get all my favorite villains to sign
    my magazine! Scarlet Overkill!
  • If I was a minion, that’s who I would want to work for.”- Tina
  • “You think it’s funny to mock the elderly, do ya?” – Keeper of the Crown
  • “Biboli maaaa! Bohayinaaa – ah no nooo!” – Minions
  • “By the time she was 13, she built a criminal empire!” – Tina
  • “I don’t want you to take this the wrong way, but I hate you. I thought I could get over what you did, but I feel so betrayed.” – Scarlet Overkill
  • “This is torture! Guys, cut it out! This is really unprofessional!” – Herb Overkill
  • “We were born with flippers! … No? Just me? Okay.” – Frankie Fishlips
  • “No no no no, Kevin, let me do it, let me do it, spita.” – Stuart
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