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Teen Allegedly Shot by Security Guard at Lusignan Auto Dealership

Teen Allegedly Shot by Security Guard at Lusignan Auto Dealership

Teen Allegedly Shot by Security Guard at Lusignan Auto Dealership

Teen Allegedly Shot by Security Guard at Lusignan Auto Dealership

Teen Allegedly Shot by Security Guard at Lusignan Auto Dealership
image: Big Smith News Watch

An alleged shooting incident at Shaf Auto Sales, located at Lot 157 Lusignan West, East Coast Demerara, has left the community in shock. According to the Guyana Police Force, the incident occurred at approximately 11:10 hrs today and resulted in the tragic death of 19-year-old Jared Jaganand, a Handyman from Mon Repos, East Coast Demerara.

The incident reportedly involved a 20-year-old Security Officer employed by Cerberus Security Service, who was armed with a 12-gauge shotgun owned by the security company. The deceased teen was seated near the Security Officer’s desk at the time of the incident.

According to the owner of Shaf Auto Sales, who resides in Canada but operates the business through his brother, he and his wife returned to the store after completing a business transaction. Shortly thereafter, they heard a loud explosion and discovered Jared lying motionless on the ground with blood around his lower body. The Security Officer informed them that Jared had been shot.

Jared was immediately transported to Woodlands Hospital, where he was examined by a doctor but sadly succumbed to his injuries. The matter was subsequently reported to the Vigilance Police Station, leading to the arrest of the suspect, who is currently in custody.

Upon examination of the body at Woodlands Hospital, a gunshot wound was observed on the upper left leg. The police have initiated investigations, questioning several individuals in the area and examining CCTV footage from the vicinity.

Additionally, the shotgun, along with live cartridges and a spent shell, were seized as evidence. The investigation into this tragic incident is ongoing as authorities work to uncover the circumstances surrounding the shooting.

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