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French senators receive warm welcome during courtesy call to the Guyana Defense Force

French senators receive warm welcome during courtesy call to the Guyana Defense Force

French senators receive warm welcome during courtesy call to the Guyana Defense Force

French senators receive warm welcome during courtesy call to the Guyana Defense Force.

Chief-of-Staff, Brigadier Omar Khan, welcomed distinguished French Senators Philippe Folliot and Francois Bonneau on Thursday, January 11, 2024, for a courtesy call at the Guyana Defense Force headquarters.

Brigadier Omar Khan expressed heartfelt greetings to the esteemed officials, both of whom play crucial roles in the French Senate overseeing defense and foreign affairs portfolios. The discussions during the courtesy call centered on the ongoing cooperation and support between Guyana and France, with particular emphasis on the significant assistance provided by the French government.

Brigadier Khan conveyed his satisfaction with the existing collaboration and highlighted the enduring diplomatic relations between Guyana and France, established in 1967. The ties between the two nations have flourished over the years, encompassing vital areas such as trade and military cooperation.

Senator Francois Bonneau expressed gratitude for the warm hospitality extended during their visit to Guyana. He underscored the strength of the diplomatic bond and the shared commitment to fostering bilateral relations, collective regional security and stability, and the promotion of shared values.

This meaningful interaction serves as a testament to the unwavering partnership between Guyana and France. The mutual cooperation and shared commitment to regional security and stability reflect the longstanding diplomatic ties between the two nations.

The Guyana Defense Force and the French Senators look forward to continued collaboration and the strengthening of ties between Guyana and France in the years to come.

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