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30 Million Dollar Marine Facility Commissioned In Nismes West Bank Demerara

30 Million Dollar Marine Facility Commissioned In Nismes West Bank Demerara

30 Million Dollar Marine Facility Commissioned In Nismes West Bank Demerara

30 Million Dollar Marine Facility Commissioned In Nismes West Bank Demerara

On Saturday, a state-of-the-art $30 million marine facility was officially commissioned in Nismes, West Bank Demerara. Constructed by GAICO Construction Inc., the facility comprises a wharf, dry dock, laydown, and storage yard, with the potential to generate up to 300 jobs. This strategic infrastructure is expected to catalyze economic empowerment in the region and play a vital role in supporting the upcoming gas-to-shore project.

In attendance at the commissioning ceremony were President Ali, accompanied by First Lady Arya Ali, Prime Minister Phillips and his wife, Mrs. Bowen-Phillips, Ministers Edghill, Walrond, and Indar, other government officials, members of the diplomatic corps, and representatives of the private sector.

President Ali, in his remarks, pledged that the region would witness further transformational plans across various sectors. Emphasizing the potential for massive growth in Region Three, he cited the New Demerara River Crossing as just one example of the significant development unfolding in the area.

The newly commissioned marine facility is not only expected to bolster economic activities in the region but also serve as a crucial support system for the gas-to-shore project, contributing to the overall development and progress of Guyana.

also read French senators receive warm welcome during courtesy call to the Guyana Defense Force

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