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Canal Bank Receives Boat and Engine for School Access

Canal Bank Receives Boat and Engine for School Access

Canal Bank Receives Boat and Engine for School Access

Canal Bank Receives Boat and Engine for School Access

In a significant stride towards educational equity, the community of Canal Bank in Port Kaituma, Region One (Barima-Waini), received a new boat and engine valued at $3.5 million. This initiative aims to address the challenge of absenteeism and school dropouts among students in hinterland communities, where access to education remains a pressing issue.

Minister of Local Government and Regional Development, Sonia Parag, along with Minister of Housing and Water, Collin Croal, journeyed to Canal Bank to commission the boat and engine. This essential transportation resource will benefit 27 pupils, enabling them to attend school regularly and punctually. The provision of the boat and engine reflects the government’s commitment to fulfilling promises made to address community concerns.

Minister Croal emphasized the importance of equal access to education for all children, highlighting the challenges faced by the region, including high levels of absenteeism. “This sub-region has a high level of absenteeism at school because there are some challenges. . .

We are working on that, ” Minister Croal stated, underscoring the government’s efforts to improve educational services in the region. Additionally, Minister Croal noted that the training of teachers is being expedited to further enhance educational quality in the area.

The introduction of the boat and engine signifies a crucial step towards empowering educational development in Canal Bank and underscores the government’s dedication to ensuring that every child has the opportunity to access quality education, regardless of their geographic location.

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