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Businessman A Mohamed Builds House for Single Mother in Need

Businessman A Mohamed Builds House for Single Mother in Need

Businessman A Mohamed Builds House for Single Mother in Need

Businessman A Mohamed Builds House for Single Mother in Need

In a heartwarming display of compassion and generosity, businessman Mr. Azruddin Mohamed has stepped forward to provide a new beginning for 23-year-old Yoannys Moreno and her family. Moreno, a single mother of two young children, found herself in dire circumstances after being thrown out by her ex-partner.

The story unfolds with Moreno, her mother, and siblings being initially welcomed into her ex-partner’s home in Timehri, East Bank Demerara. However, the relationship took a distressing turn, leading to their abrupt eviction. Left with no choice, Moreno and her family relocated to her brother-in-law’s place along the Soesdyke/Linden Highway. There, they erected a makeshift shack out of ply and zinc, enduring harsh conditions with no flooring and minimal resources.

Upon learning of their plight, Mr. Azruddin Mohamed took immediate action. In a commendable effort, he mobilized resources over the course of ten days, working tirelessly to build a two-bedroom home for Moreno and her family. The new house, equipped with basic amenities, was handed over earlier today.

Expressing her gratitude, Yoannys Moreno was overwhelmed and speechless at the kindness extended by Mr. Mohamed. She emphasized how this act of generosity will significantly impact her family’s life and help secure a brighter future.

Mr. Mohamed, in turn, encouraged the family to build upon this foundation of kindness to further develop their lives. His gesture exemplifies the positive impact that individuals and businesses can have on the community, fostering a sense of hope and resilience.

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