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Venezuelan national fined for illegal entry into Guyana.

Venezuelan national fined for illegal entry into Guyana.

Venezuelan national fined for illegal entry into guyana.

Venezuelan national fined for illegal entry into Guyana.

Ramon Andres Vansluytman, a Venezuelan national arrested at the Sherima crossing (checkpoint) in region seven on November 18, 2023, and charged with illegal entry, has been found guilty of the offense. Magistrate Crystal Lambert at the Bartica magistrate’s court issued a fine of $15,000 or an alternative of four (4) weeks imprisonment. Following the fine, the magistrate directed that Vansluytman be handed over to the immigration department for further processing.

Upon his initial arrest, vansluytman was found to possess a UHF radio set and a Venezuelan security id card.

also read Fatal fire incident in Pouderoyen Venezuelan national perishes

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