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Rallying Together: Support Needed for Suman Panta’s Battle for Recovery

In the face of adversity, it is the strength and compassion of a community that can make a world of difference. Today, we bring you distressing news about our dear friend, Suman Panta, who is currently fighting for his life. We humbly ask for your support during this challenging time as we rally around Suman and his family, offering our prayers, well wishes, and any financial contributions we can provide.

The Unexpected Turn of Events: On a seemingly ordinary day, Monday, June 12th, 2023, Suman was enjoying his lunch when tragedy struck. Without warning, he collapsed and was swiftly rushed to the hospital. Since then, Suman has undergone emergency brain surgical procedures twice and remains in critical condition in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) at Wellstar Kennestone Emergency Hospital. The stroke has left him paralyzed on the right side of his body, compounding the challenges he faces. Moreover, Suman also has a history of heart disease, further complicating his recovery process.

Suman Panta

A Journey of Hope: Suman arrived in the United States last year on an H1B visa, driven by the desire to support his family back home. Unfortunately, he recently lost his job, leaving him and his loved ones in a state of financial distress. As Suman’s parents, Chandra Reddy and Paramesawaramma, struggle to come to terms with this sudden turn of events, they now find themselves relying on the generosity and empathy of our community.

Extending a Helping Hand: In light of this difficult situation, we reach out to you, our compassionate community, to offer support in any way possible. Your thoughts, prayers, and financial contributions will make a significant difference in Suman’s recovery journey and his family’s ability to navigate through this crisis. No act of kindness is too small, as every contribution counts.

If you are inclined to help directly or have any questions, we encourage you to reach out to the individuals who are coordinating the fundraising efforts. Bhaskar Jetty, Venu Panta, Naresh Thurumerla, and Vamsi Uggumudi are dedicated to organizing and facilitating the collection of funds. Their contact information is provided below.

  • Bhaskar Jetty: [3022904211]
  • Venu Panta: [6083207633]
  • Naresh Thurumerla: [5717742555]
  • Vamsi Uggumudi: [3027663699]

Unifying Strength: We understand that times are tough for everyone, and we acknowledge that. However, we firmly believe that when we come together as a community, we can create a significant impact on Suman’s journey toward recovery. Your support will not only provide essential financial relief but also serve as a source of hope and encouragement for Suman and his family during this difficult time.

Expressions of Gratitude: On behalf of Suman’s family and friends, we express our heartfelt gratitude for your consideration and assistance. Let us join hands and stand by Suman, demonstrating to him that he is not alone in this battle. Your kindness, compassion, and generosity can make a world of difference to him and his loved ones.

Conclusion: In times of crisis, the power of community shines through. Today, we have the opportunity to rally around Suman Panta, offering our support, prayers, and financial contributions to aid in his recovery and alleviate his family’s burdens. Together, we can make a tangible impact and show Suman that he is not alone on this journey. Thank you for your unwavering kindness, compassion, and generosity in advance.

Also, read My Dad Johnnie SapongNearly Died: A Journey of Resilience and Hope

1 thought on “Rallying Together: Support Needed for Suman Panta’s Battle for Recovery”

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