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Police Reach Out To Communities In Essequibo And Beyond

Police Reach Out To Communities In Essequibo And Beyond

Police Reach Out To Communities In Essequibo And Beyond

Police Reach Out To Communities In Essequibo And Beyond

The Guyana Police Force continues its commitment to community engagement and public safety with a series of outreach initiatives in various regions.

Police Reach Out To Communities In Essequibo And Beyond

Mashabo Mission, Essequibo (Region Two):
Inspector Madray, accompanied by Lance Corporal Daniels, Constable Persaud, Constable Wong, and Liaison Officer Mr. Chowkat Ali, conducted an outreach exercise at Mashabo Mission. The engagement covered essential topics, including the process to obtain a passport, Zara Computer training, obtaining a valid driver’s license, and addressing issues related to the careless usage of trails and roadways. Residents were encouraged to join the Police Force, share information with the police, and participate in youth group workshops. Additionally, children were advised to stay in school and stay away from drugs and alcohol.

Mashabo Primary School, Essequibo (Region Two):
Police ranks delivered a traffic and road safety lecture to Grade 6 students of Mashabo Primary School. The interactive session, attended by 25 students and two teachers, covered various road safety issues, aiming to promote awareness and responsible behavior on the roads.

South Amelia’s Ward:
Woman Sergeant Petrie and ranks from the Amelia’s Ward Police Outpost conducted a community outreach to sensitize residents and business proprietors about safety measures to reduce crime and enhance road safety. The outreach was well-received, with residents expressing their willingness to collaborate with the police for a safer community.

Wisroc Station District:
Sergeant Alexander and Lance Corporal Fullington from the Wisroc Police Outpost engaged with residents in the Wisroc station district. They emphasized the importance of security consciousness, situational awareness, and urged residents to report any unusual occurrences to the police.

Versailles and Samaroo Dam Pouderoyen, West Bank Demerara:
Woman Inspector Noble, Woman Sergeant Jack, and other ranks from the Vreed-en-Hoop Police Station conducted outreach visits to Versailles and Samaroo Dam Pouderoyen. The team interacted with residents on various issues and concerns affecting the communities.

Parfaite Harmonie Youth Group:
Sergeant Jobe and other ranks organized a well-planned social event for the youths of Parfaite Harmonie Youth Group. Held at the ‘Station Cabin,’ the event included goodies and outdoor activities. Sergeant Jobe emphasized the importance of education and wished the youths a prosperous New Year.

The Guyana Police Force remains dedicated to fostering positive relationships with communities and ensuring public safety across the country. Police Reach Out To Communities to foster communication and more engagement with the public is expected within the coming weeks.

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