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Opposition Joins Government in Denouncing Venezuelan Aggression

Opposition Joins Government in Denouncing Venezuelan Aggression

Opposition Joins Government in Denouncing Venezuelan Aggression

Opposition Joins Government in Denouncing Venezuelan Aggression

Opposition Joins Government in Denouncing Venezuelan Aggression
Opposition Joins Government in Denouncing Venezuelan Aggression

In a rare display of bipartisan unity, both the Guyanese government and opposition have vehemently condemned Venezuela’s recent legislative move seeking to annex the Essequibo region, with strong words from prominent figures on both sides of the political spectrum.

Roysdale Forde, SC, the main opposition’s legal affairs representative and Member of Parliament, was unequivocal in his condemnation of Venezuela’s actions. Forde emphasized that Venezuela’s unilateral declaration of the Essequibo region violates not only the spirit but also the letter of the Argyle Declaration, a pivotal agreement aimed at maintaining peace between the two nations.

“The recent actions by Venezuela not only disregard historical agreements but also pose a significant threat to sovereignty and territorial integrity—fundamental tenets ensuring stability and security,” Forde stated, highlighting the gravity of the situation.

Forde further stressed the importance of international solidarity, emphasizing the unwavering support from the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) and the Organisation of American States (OAS) in standing with Guyana. He called for a national dialogue involving all stakeholders and urged unity across party lines to defend Guyana’s territorial sovereignty.

The Guyana Government had previously expressed grave concern over Venezuela’s adoption of the law, emphasizing its commitment to peace and sovereignty. The Foreign Affairs Ministry underscored that Venezuela’s actions constitute a flagrant violation of international law, including the United Nations Charter, the ICJ’s provisional measures, and the Argyle Declaration.

Tensions between Guyana and Venezuela escalated following Venezuela’s referendum in December 2023, purportedly annexing the Essequibo region. President Maduro’s subsequent actions, such as issuing identification cards and mining licenses, further exacerbated the situation.

As both government and opposition leaders unite in condemnation, Guyana stands firm in its resolve to uphold its sovereignty and territorial integrity, rallying international support for a peaceful resolution to the longstanding border dispute.

Also read Venezuelas Approval of New State in Disputed Territory Raises Concerns

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