Labourer from Sparendaam Charged with Narcotics Possession
Labourer from Sparendaam Charged with Narcotics Possession
Kevin Liverpool, a 24-year-old labourer hailing from Sparendaam on the East Coast of Demerara, found himself facing legal repercussions after being arrested on Saturday.

Today, he was formally charged with the offence of Possession of Narcotic, as stipulated under Section 4(1)a(i) of the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Control Act, Chapter 10/10.
Liverpool made his appearance at Sparendaam Magistrate Court #2, presided over by Magistrate Abigail Gibbs, where the charge was officially read to him.
In response, he entered a plea of not guilty. However, despite his plea, Liverpool was remanded to prison pending further legal proceedings.
The case has been adjourned to April 26th, 2024, marking the beginning of a legal process that will determine Liverpool’s fate in relation to the narcotics possession charges leveled against him.
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