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Help Brenique give her life a second chance!

Help Brenique give her life a second chance!

In this touching blog post, we get to tell the story of Brenique Conliffe, who used to teach first grade in Nassau, The Bahamas. When Brenique was 12, she was told she had type 1 diabetes. This changed her life in a big way. Even though she has had to deal with a lot of problems over the years, she has shown a lot of strength and determination. Now, she needs a kidney transplant to get healthy again and keep doing what she loves, which is teaching. Help Brenique get a second chance at life by standing with us.

At the young age of 12, Brenique found out that she had type 1 diabetes, which changed her life. Getting insulin shots every day and taking care of her health became her new regular. Even though it was a terrible setback, Brenique kept going and stayed determined to live a happy, healthy life.

Enduring Challenges:

As Brenique grew up and moved into her twenties, she had to deal with several health problems caused by her diabetes. In 2020, she started having serious kidney problems that forced her to go to Canada and Cuba to get help. Even though she went to the doctor, got treatment, and stayed in the hospital a lot, her health kept getting worse. Brenique knew that her symptoms were hard to predict, so she made the hard decision to take a break from teaching and community service to focus on her health.

The Fight with Renal Failure:

Between 2020 and 2022, Brenique kept hoping that her kidney function would get better. In the late part of 2022, she got the terrible news that her kidneys were only working at 5% because she was in stage five of renal failure. Brenique had to start getting dialysis three times a week to keep her kidneys working the way they should. This new reality has required a lot of mental, emotional, spiritual, and financial changes. Brenique keeps fighting for her health and a second chance at life, with the help of her strong faith in God, her family, and her friends.

Need for a Transplant:

Brenique needs a kidney transplant so she can get back to her normal life and keep doing what she loves, which is being a teacher. When she first heard about this requirement, it shocked her, and she needed time to figure out how big of a deal it was. Some days are still hard for her because she has to deal with the challenges of dialysis and diabetes at the same time. But Brenique is still determined to overcome these problems as she works toward better health and the chance to start over in life.

Your Help Is Important:
With your help, Brenique hopes to get a kidney transplant so she can return to doing what she loves most, like teaching, helping her community, and spreading the word about preventing diabetes. With every prayer, share, and donation, she gets closer to getting better and starting a new, happier part of her story. Brenique is very thankful for all the good things that have happened to her and think that, with your help, she will come out on top of this tough chapter. She asks for your help humbly because she knows that every donation, no matter how small, makes a huge difference.

Brenique’s journey has been marked by courage, determination, and a strong spirit that has never wavered. Despite having diabetes and kidney failure, she has shown a strong spirit that gives us all hope. By supporting Brenique and giving money to her cause, we can help her get the kidney transplant she needs as soon as possible. Let’s work together to give Brenique a second chance at life so she can continue to help other people through teaching and community service. Together, we can change her story and help make the future better.

A go fund page was created in support of brenique, anyone interested in supporting her can reshare or leave a donation below:

Also read Help for Horicia Wright: A Single Mother’s Fight Against Breast Cancer

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