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Guyana Water Inc Assesses Water Supply Projects In Region Nine

Guyana Water Inc Assesses Water Supply Projects In Region Nine

Guyana Water Inc Assesses Water Supply Projects In Region Nine

Guyana Water Inc Assesses Water Supply Projects In Region Nine

A team from Guyana Water Inc. (GWI), led by Chief Executive Officer Shaik Baksh, recently conducted a visit to Region Nine to assess the progress of water supply and related projects. The primary objective of the visit was to ensure the efficient distribution of clean water to the residents of the region.

Guyana Water Inc Assesses Water Supply Projects In Region Nine

During the visit, the GWI team inspected various water supply systems in villages, including St. Ignatius, Nappi, Quarrie, Quiko, Kumu, Baitoon, Hiowa, and Parishara, as well as Lethem.

Key highlights from the visit include:

In Quarrie, drilling of a well is currently underway.
In Quiko, drilling has been completed, and water distribution is set to commence in two weeks.
The village of Nappi will witness the completion of the distribution network and storage facility in the first quarter of this year, funded by the Basic Needs Trust Fund (BNTF).
In Parishara, drilling of a well has been completed, and construction has commenced on the storage facility.
A well is currently being drilled in Hiowa.
In Baitoon, two wells have been successfully drilled, and the team assessed the water supply in Cumu.
During the visit to St. Ignatius, residents expressed the need for an additional well, especially as plans are underway for a housing area development.

CEO Shaik Baksh expressed satisfaction with the completion of these projects, emphasizing the significant benefits they will bring to the residents of the region. Despite challenging drought conditions, the production of water from GWI wells has remained at a normal level of service. GWI is now focusing on building climate-resilient infrastructures to better serve the residents in the region.

As a gesture of support, Mr. Baksh handed over a new Toyota vehicle to GWI’s Regional Manager, John Yow. This vehicle will aid in the provision of better water service to residents of Region Nine, particularly in Lethem.

GWI reaffirms its commitment to working closely with various regions to establish a satisfactory water distribution system throughout the country. The organization will continue its efforts to provide clean and accessible water to all Guyanese citizens.

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