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Guyana Energy Dilemma Vice President Addresses Electricity Woes

Guyana Energy Dilemma Vice President Addresses Electricity Woes

Guyana Energy Dilemma Vice President Addresses Electricity Woes

In a candid address at the People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) ‘Freedom House’ headquarters in Georgetown, Vice President Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo confronted the pressing issue of electricity shortages in Guyana, acknowledging the frustration felt by citizens amidst frequent power outages.

Guyana Energy Dilemma Vice President Addresses Electricity Woes
Guyana Energy Dilemma Vice President Addresses Electricity Woes

With a stark assessment, Jagdeo declared, “The situation is bad,” underscoring the urgency of the matter and the imperative for immediate action. Despite repeated explanations regarding the challenges faced by the Guyana Power and Light (GPL), Jagdeo recognized that citizens’ lives are disrupted each time the lights go out.

Assuring the public of the government’s commitment to addressing the crisis, Jagdeo outlined short-term measures, including plans to procure 40 to 80 megawatts (MW) of power to meet growing demand until the completion of the 300 MW Gas-to-Energy project at Wales, West Bank Demerara (WBD). Additionally, efforts are underway to repair and enhance the existing transmission and distribution network.

Highlighting the government’s ongoing pursuit of the Amaila Falls hydropower project, Jagdeo criticized opposition parties for impeding its progress, emphasizing that this project could have significantly alleviated Guyana’s energy challenges by now.

Moreover, the government is investing in solar power projects to diversify the country’s energy sources. Once implemented, existing power generation sets will be reserved for emergency use only.

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Despite the challenges faced by GPL, Jagdeo stressed that the government has long recognized the need for additional power supply to meet increasing demand. He refuted claims that the Amaila Falls hydropower project would not have resulted in lower electricity costs, stating that hydropower could have been generated at significantly reduced rates compared to current expenses.

In conclusion, Jagdeo reiterated the government’s unwavering commitment to addressing Guyana’s electricity woes and called for cooperation from all stakeholders to achieve sustainable solutions.

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