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Guyana Condemns Venezuela Attempted Annexation of Sovereign Territory

Guyana Condemns Venezuela Attempted Annexation of Sovereign Territory

Guyana Condemns Venezuela Attempted Annexation of Sovereign Territory

Guyana Condemns Venezuela Attempted Annexation of Sovereign Territory

The Government of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana has issued a strong condemnation of the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela’s action to promulgate the “Organic Law for the Defense of Guayana Esequiba” on April 3, 2024.

Guyana Condemns Venezuela Attempted Annexation of Sovereign Territory
Guyana Condemns Venezuela Attempted Annexation of Sovereign Territory

This move by Venezuela, aimed at annexing more than two-thirds of Guyana’s sovereign territory and incorporating it into Venezuela, is deemed a blatant violation of fundamental principles of international law. It contravenes key documents such as the United Nations Charter, the Charter of the Organisation of American States, and customary international law. Moreover, it directly contradicts the Joint Declaration of Argyle for Dialogue and Peace, agreed upon by both Guyana and Venezuela on December 14, 2023, in St Vincent and the Grenadines.

Guyana asserts that Venezuela’s actions cast doubt on its commitment to uphold the principles outlined in the Joint Declaration of Argyle. Consequently, Guyana warns Venezuela, along with regional and international bodies including the Governments of the Caribbean Community and the Latin American and Caribbean Community of Nations, as well as the Secretary-General of the United Nations and the Secretary-General of the Organisation of American States, that it will not tolerate any annexation, seizure, or occupation of its sovereign territory.

The statement reaffirms Guyana’s adherence to the United Nations Charter, the rule of law, and the peaceful settlement of disputes. It highlights the 1966 Geneva Agreement, to which both Venezuela and Guyana are parties, and emphasizes that the International Court of Justice has jurisdiction over the case brought before it by Guyana regarding the validity of the 1899 Arbitral Award that delineated the land boundary between the two nations. The Court’s forthcoming decision will be binding on both parties.

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Guyana asserts that if Venezuela wishes to contest the title to the territory in question, the appropriate forum is the International Court of Justice, which will adjudicate the matter impartially and in accordance with established legal principles.

Additionally, Guyana expresses dismay over offensive remarks made by President Maduro concerning the President of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana. Such remarks undermine the commitment to good neighborliness, peaceful coexistence, and unity in Latin America and the Caribbean, as outlined in the Argyle Declaration.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation underscores the seriousness of the situation and reaffirms Guyana’s commitment to defending its sovereign territory and pursuing peaceful resolution through established legal channels.

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