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guide dog takes a final walk before retiring

guide dog

“we uh we lose them when they hang up the harness and we lose them when they pass on and we know that’s a reality and so when we sign up to um train with our guide dog we know that one day this day is coming” are the words of sean speaking with BBC NEWS.

After eight years of working with Sean’s guide dog, Sammy is set to retire and Sean may have to wait two years for his next dog.

Sean and guide dog Sammy
Sean and guide dog Sammy

I’m inviting you along to do something which I don’t think has been done before you’re going to join me and Sammy on our final working walk we’ve been doing this route for different reasons for 22 years with you and your predecessor Sammy . I was born with congenital blindness with a number of conditions I lost poor partial site I had by the time I was 14. and so my guide dog Journey started when I was 16. the last walk anybody does with their guide dog is poignant and a thousand emotions of sadness really go through your minds like the rest of us a dog has a working life and they would come to a point where they slowed down Sammy is slowing down he’s 10. Here is more from BBC NEWS

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