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guide dog takes a final walk before retiring

guide dog

I don’t think the words actually exist to express the Gratitude I have for Sammy and my mobility and I know I’m slightly struggling to say this because when Sammy leaves me it will leave a huge hole in my heart potentially two years without a guard dog is it’s a big thing because Sammy is due to retire.

Sean is now back on our ready-to-train list and he is receiving support from our vision rehab specialists around using his Cane since the pandemic guide dog Partnerships in the UK have decreased from around five thousand to four thousand because puppy breeding was stopped for volunteers and staff safety so it will take longer for Sean to find his partnership.

We would want him to be getting a dog as soon as we could I think the most important thing to say though is that it is absolutely the right dog for the right person at the right time a dog is not for everybody but for me it means I can live the life I want to live and have the independence I need to have the charity guide dogs is now in the process of finding Sean a new dog

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