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Community outreach by regional police division Number 6 in East Canje, Berbice and Top cop visits leopold street

Community outreach by regional police division Number 6 in East Canje, Berbice and Top cop visits leopold street

Community outreach by regional police division Number 6 in East Canje, Berbice and Top cop visits leopold street

Community outreach by regional police division Number 6 in East Canje, Berbice and Top cop visits leopold street

Deputy commander of regional police division #6, superintendent ravindra stanley, took the lead in a community outreach initiative on thursday (january 11) in the #2 village (brehaspat street) of east canje, berbice. The purpose of the outreach was to engage with residents, address security concerns, and strengthen the relationship between the police and the community.

Superintendent stanley led a team of dedicated officers from the division, including officer-in-charge of the #1 sub-division, deputy superintendent davidson; officer-in-charge of crime, assistant superintendent nedd; inspector downer; sergeant brandt; woman special corporal carmichael, and woman special constable alexander-knights. Mr. Asheik from the #2 neighbourhood democratic council and several other police ranks also participated in the outreach.

Issues highlighted and addressed during the community engagement included:

Noise nuisance: residents’ concerns about noise disturbances were acknowledged and strategies were discussed to mitigate such issues.
Thieves in abandoned houses: the presence of thieves in vacant properties was raised, and superintendent stanley assured the community that appropriate measures would be taken to address this concern.
Community policing group establishment: there was a consensus on the need for a community policing group within the community, and plans were discussed to facilitate its formation.
Superintendent stanley and the team ensured that all raised concerns, along with any additional issues, were thoroughly addressed, and appropriate arrangements were made to resolve existing matters. The outreach aimed not only to address immediate concerns but also to build trust and collaboration between law enforcement and the community.

In a separate engagement, top cop mr. Clifton hicken, alongside deputy commissioners mr. Calvin brutus and mr. Ravindradat budhram, joined other senior and junior officers in interacting with residents of leopold street in georgetown. The commissioner and team distributed over 100 hampers to the residents, fostering a positive relationship between the police force and the community.

also read Suspected Narcotics Seized in Roadblock Operation

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