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26 Year Old Miner Arrested with Marijuana at Mango Landing

26 Year Old Miner Arrested with Marijuana at Mango Landing

26 Year Old Miner Arrested with Marijuana at Mango Landing

In an afternoon police operation at Mango Landing, Region #7, Kenford Gorden, a 26-year-old miner, was apprehended for possession of suspected marijuana weighing 52.6 grams.

Gorden came under scrutiny during a routine stop and search procedure conducted by law enforcement officers. He was a passenger in a Route #72 minibus with license plate # BAD 9554, which was flagged down by the police for inspection.

Upon inspection of Gorden’s belongings, a haversack in his possession raised suspicions. Subsequent examination of the bag revealed a transparent plastic-wrapped parcel containing leaves, seeds, and stems believed to be cannabis.

When confronted with the discovery, Gorden reportedly offered an explanation, stating, “My father fell off a truck, and I borrowed this bag and caught the bus to Georgetown.”

In addition to the illicit substance, the haversack also contained clothing, footwear, and personal items belonging to Gorden.

Following the discovery, Gorden was promptly taken into custody pending further investigation into the matter.

Law enforcement authorities continue to uphold vigilance in combating illicit drug activities across the region.

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