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Resident Seion Clarke Appeals for Urgent Action as Success Community Grapples with Severe Flooding

Resident Seion Clarke Appeals for Urgent Action as Success Community Grapples with Severe Flooding

Resident Seion Clarke Appeals for Urgent Action as Success Community Grapples with Severe Flooding

Resident Seion Clarke Appeals for Urgent Action as Success Community Grapples with Severe Flooding

Resident Seion Clarke Appeals for Urgent Action as Success Community Grapples with Severe Flooding

Since last November, Success resident Seion Clarke has expressed concern about the dire situation the neighborhood is facing as a result of ongoing flooding in his yard. A growing housing development and inadequate drainage infrastructure make the problem worse.

The problems began when contractors working on a bypass road installed tubing across the area, which has now become blocked, leading to severe flooding. Despite efforts to address the issue, the contractors have been reluctant to take the necessary actions.

Mr. Clarke approached an official from the housing department, who, upon inspection, instructed the contractors to clear the mouth of the tubing. Unfortunately, the contractors only cleared one side of the pipe, refusing to address the other side, leaving the community in distress.

Efforts to seek assistance from the Neighborhood Democratic Council (NDC) have proven challenging. Mr. Clarke reached out to the chairman for Success, expressing the urgent need for intervention. Regrettably, the chairman has shown little interest in addressing the matter, with reports indicating that he has not even left his yard.

The main trench’s neglected state, which hasn’t received any cleaning in years, makes the situation worse. This neglect has led to the stagnation of water, affecting not only Mr. Clarke’s property but also posing a serious health hazard.

In addition to the infrastructural concerns, Mr. Clarke highlighted the impact on his livelihood as he engages in chicken rearing. The persistent flooding has resulted in the loss of 4 to 6 chickens daily, creating a significant economic setback for him and a foul-smelling environment for the entire community.

Expressing frustration, Mr. Clarke shared, “I can’t even bring my kids home; they have to stay with their grandmother. No one seems willing to address our plea for help.”

Mr. Zaman Shaw, the chairman, and Mr. Parsram, the councillor of the NDC, have been identified as key figures in the community’s efforts to resolve this crisis.

Mr. Seion Clarke urgently appeals to the relevant authorities to investigate the matter and ensure the immediate clearing of the blocked pipes. The community of Success hopes for swift action to alleviate the hardships they are currently facing.

also read Election Fraud case set for March 4th

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