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President Dr Irfaan Ali Engages with Vendors and Patrons During Visit to Leonora Market

President Dr Irfaan Ali Engages with Vendors and Patrons During Visit to Leonora Market

President Dr Irfaan Ali Engages with Vendors and Patrons During Visit to Leonora Market

His Excellency President Dr. Irfaan Ali embarked on a visit to the bustling Leonora Market situated on the West Coast of Demerara during the early hours of this morning. The President’s presence was marked by an opportunity to engage directly with vendors and patrons, fostering a closer connection with the local community.

Accompanied by esteemed government officials including Minister of Education, the Honourable Priya Manickchand, and Minister within the Ministry of Public Works, the Honourable Deodat Indar, as well as Director of Presidential Affairs, Mrs. Marcia Nadir-Sharma, President Ali embarked on a walkthrough of the market.

Throughout the visit, President Ali took the time to interact with vendors, listening to their concerns, and gaining insights into the challenges and opportunities they face in their daily operations. Additionally, the President engaged with patrons, exchanging greetings and discussing matters of mutual interest.

The presence of government and regional officials underscored the administration’s commitment to grassroots engagement and proactive governance. By being present at the heart of local commerce, President Ali and his team reaffirmed their dedication to understanding the needs of the people and working collaboratively towards solutions that benefit all stakeholders.

The visit to the Leonora Market exemplified President Ali’s hands-on approach to governance, emphasizing the importance of accessibility, dialogue, and community involvement in shaping policies and initiatives. As the nation continues its journey towards progress and prosperity, such engagements serve as vital pillars in fostering unity, cooperation, and development across all sectors of society.

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