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President Ali and First Son Spread Easter Cheer at Everest Cricket Club Ground

President Ali and First Son Spread Easter Cheer at Everest Cricket Club Ground

President Ali and First Son Spread Easter Cheer at Everest Cricket Club Ground

Today, President Dr. Mohamed Irfaan Ali, alongside his son, Zayn Ali, continued their annual tradition of distributing kites to children at the Everest Cricket Club Ground in Georgetown. This initiative aims to ensure that every child experiences the joy of flying a kite during the Easter season.

Accompanied by Prime Minister (Ret’d) Brigadier Mark Phillips, Vice-President Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo, and Speaker of the National Assembly Manzoor Nadir, President Ali and his son engaged in the festive atmosphere, joining children in kite-flying activities.

In addition to distributing kites, the President and Zayn also handed out hotdogs to the excited youngsters, adding to the celebration of Easter cheer.

Across the country, families and friends gathered at beaches, parks, and seawalls to enjoy picnics and participate in kite-flying activities, highlighting the significance of this tradition in Guyanese culture.

President Ali’s commitment to spreading joy and fostering community spirit underscores the importance of such initiatives in promoting unity and happiness among citizens, especially during festive occasions like Easter.

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