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Police Investigate Alleged Murder of Vagrant Found Dead in Georgetown

Police Investigate Alleged Murder of Vagrant Found Dead in Georgetown

Police Investigate Alleged Murder of Vagrant Found Dead in Georgetown

Police Investigate Alleged Murder of Vagrant Found Dead in Georgetown

Police Investigate Alleged Murder of Vagrant Found Dead in Georgetown

Authorities are currently probing the suspected murder of Edward Bramnarine, also known as Eddy, a 49-year-old individual described as a ‘vagrant,’ whose lifeless body was discovered at approximately 11:20 PM last night at the intersection of Water and Holmes streets in Georgetown.

A female vendor in the vicinity recounted that as she was making her way home on foot, she stumbled upon Bramnarine, whom she had known for over 18 years, lying motionless on the street. He was observed to be bleeding from a wound on his left side chest, with no one else in sight.

Promptly, she dialed the Ambulance Service, which swiftly arrived at the scene. However, Bramnarine was pronounced dead by Doctor Durga from the Georgetown Public Hospital upon their arrival.

Detectives who examined the scene noted one stab wound to Bramnarine’s chest along with a cut to his right wrist. The area was thoroughly processed by investigators, and multiple individuals were interrogated.

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Subsequently, the body was conveyed to the Memorial Gardens Funeral Home pending a post-mortem examination to ascertain the exact cause of death.

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