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Pastry Maker Granted Bail in Robbery Case

Pastry Maker Granted Bail in Robbery Case

Pastry Maker Granted Bail in Robbery Case

Pastry Maker Granted Bail in Robbery Case
Pastry Maker Granted Bail in Robbery Case

Rophro Peters, a 27-year-old pastry maker from Middle Road, La Penitence, appeared at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court on Friday, where she was granted $75,000 bail in connection to a robbery case.

Peters made her initial court appearance before Senior Magistrate Clive Nurse, facing a charge of Robbery with Violence. She pleaded not guilty to the accusation, which alleged that on Monday, at Croal Street, Georgetown, in the company of others, she forcefully took a gold bangle valued at $235,000 from Victor Daniels, inflicting violence in the process.

In defense of her client, Peters’ lawyer requested bail in a reasonable sum, highlighting that she is the sole provider for her household and emphasizing that Peters poses no flight risk.

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Despite objections from the prosecutor based on the severity of the offence, Magistrate Nurse granted bail to Peters, setting it at $75,000. She is slated to return to court on May 24, 2024, for further proceedings.

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