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Parents Denied Release of Baby Body for Funeral After Death at New Amsterdam Hospital

Parents Denied Release of Baby Body for Funeral After Death at New Amsterdam Hospital

Parents Denied Release of Baby Body for Funeral After Death at New Amsterdam Hospital

Parents Denied Release of Baby Body for Funeral After Death at New Amsterdam Hospital
Parents Denied Release of Baby Body for Funeral After Death at New Amsterdam Hospital

In a heart-wrenching turn of events, the parents of a less-than-one-month-old baby who passed away at the New Amsterdam Hospital are facing anguish and frustration as officials refuse to release the infant’s body for burial.

Devika Ramnarine and Gobindra Sahadeo, grieving parents of the deceased baby, Ayaan Sahadeo, have been left distraught after being unable to collect their child’s corpse for funeral rites. Ayaan, who spent four weeks in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) of the hospital, tragically succumbed to his condition on March 28.

Born prematurely at the Port Mourant Hospital on March 2, Ayaan faced complications from the outset, necessitating immediate transfer to the New Amsterdam Hospital due to respiratory issues. Despite the efforts of medical staff, including treatment for an infection, Ayaan’s condition deteriorated, leading to his untimely demise.

Following Ayaan’s passing, his grieving parents sought to lay him to rest but were met with obstacles. Despite making arrangements for the funeral and attempting to collect the body on Tuesday, they were informed that an autopsy was required before release—a requirement that was not communicated earlier.

This delay in releasing the baby’s body has left the family in a state of despair, compounded by the emotional and financial strain of preparing for a funeral that could not take place as planned.

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Gobindra Sahadeo, the father, expressed his distress, highlighting the logistical and emotional toll of the situation. Despite repeated attempts to retrieve the body, bureaucratic hurdles persist, leaving the family pleading for compassionate intervention to facilitate the release of their child’s remains for burial.

As the family navigates this heartbreaking ordeal, they appeal for empathy and urgency from hospital officials and authorities to expedite the process and allow them to bid a dignified farewell to their beloved baby boy.

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