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north korea fired a ballistic missile

Breaking News: Japan warned some residents to seek shelter after North Korea fired a missile, which flew over the country and landed in the Pacific Ocean.

North Korea has fired what appears to be a ballistic missile over Japan, the country’s defense ministry said Monday. The apparent ballistic missile was launched at 7:22 a.m. local time and passed over Japan at 7:29 a.m., Japan’s defense ministry said.

The South Korean government has confirmed that the Japanese government has warned citizens to take cover. The missile probably flew over Japan, Officials also warned people not to touch or pick up any debris. Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida’s office began gathering members to analyze the situation

north korea

North Korean missile landed 3000km (1,800 miles) east of Hokkaido, according to Japan’s Ministry of Defense. North Korea has carried out more than 30 missile tests this year – using missiles with a long enough range to hit anywhere in the US. These include ballistic missiles, cruise missiles, and hypersonic missiles.

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