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Ministry Clarifies Authorization for Healthcare Worker Recruitment

Ministry Clarifies Authorization for Healthcare Worker Recruitment

Ministry Clarifies Authorization for Healthcare Worker Recruitment

Ministry Clarifies Authorization for Healthcare Worker Recruitment
Ministry Clarifies Authorization for Healthcare Worker Recruitment

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation has issued a statement addressing a letter circulating in the media regarding the recruitment of healthcare workers from Bangladesh by Sigma Engineers Ltd. Inc. The Ministry clarified the context of the authorization letter issued to the agency and emphasized the government’s commitment to addressing skills shortages in critical sectors.

According to the Ministry, the authorization letter was issued in response to a request from Sigma Engineers Ltd., confirming their authorization to recruit healthcare workers. This decision was made to address concerns raised by both the public and private sectors regarding severe skills shortages in the health sector. Additionally, the Private Sector Commission has repeatedly sought government assistance in filling skills gaps in various sectors such as construction, engineering, and services due to Guyana’s expanding economy.

The recruitment agency was appointed to liaise with relevant authorities in different countries, including Bangladesh, to recruit healthcare workers. The Ministry clarified that the authorization was aimed at preventing issues like human trafficking and ensuring the proper management of the recruitment process.

However, the Ministry stated that as of the date of the statement, no healthcare workers have been recruited through Sigma Engineers Ltd. Inc, as shortages are currently being addressed by personnel from Cuba. Nevertheless, the government reiterated its openness to recruiting specialized skills from around the world for both the public and private sectors, especially for areas where such skills are not readily available in Guyana.

The statement underscores the government’s commitment to addressing skills shortages while ensuring transparency and adherence to proper recruitment procedures.

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