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Keep environment clean to avoid mosquito-borne illnesses – Health Ministry

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As Mosquito Awareness Week begins, which is observed from May 13 – May 17, the Health Ministry is emphasising the importance of taking a proactive approach to maintain a clean environment to prevent the spread of mosquito-borne illnesses. With the rainy season approaching and the rise of dengue fever, it is vital for citizens to be more aware since this remains a significant health concern, particularly in tropical and subtropical regions.

Medical Entomology Unit and Vector Control Services at the Health Ministry, Head of Department, Crystal Crawford

Health officials are urging citizens to be vigilant in eliminating standing water sources around their homes, such as flower pots, tires, and gutters, as these are common breeding sites for mosquitoes. By regularly checking and emptying containers that collect water, individuals can significantly reduce the mosquito population in their surroundings.

Vector Control Services Director (ag), Dr Reza Niles-Robin

Head of Department, Medical Entomology Unit and Vector Control Services at the Health Ministry, Crystal Crawford in a recent interview on local program ‘Health Matters’ stated, “prevention is key when it comes to mosquito-borne diseases. By keeping our living spaces clean and free of stagnant water, we can protect ourselves and our communities from potential outbreaks.”
Meanwhile, Director (ag) Vector Control Services Unit, Dr. Reza Niles-Robin featured on the same programme also emphasised on the importance of preventing mosquito bites to reduce the risk of dengue transmission. She noted individuals should take the necessary precautions such as using mosquito repellents, wearing long sleeves and pants, and ensuring there are no areas of stagnant water where mosquitoes can breed.
Moreover, Dr. Niles highlighted the significance of controlling mosquitoes both inside and outside homes. The Ministry of Health’s Vector Control Department has been actively conducting fogging exercises to reduce mosquito populations. As dengue prevention requires a collective effort, citizens are encouraged to remain vigilant in maintaining clean and mosquito-free environments.
As part of Mosquito Awareness Week, under the slogan ‘Stop Disease Transmission/ Reduce Source Reduction’ the Ministry of Health is encouraging persons to come out and get the necessary information on prevention and awareness. Crawford stressed on the importance of ‘small bites big treats’ and in order to see a decrease in dengue cases we have to keep our environments clean, killing the larva so as to prevent them from emerging as adults.
Educational campaigns and distribution of informational materials to raise awareness about the risks associated with mosquitoes and the preventive measures that can be taken will be avail. While community clean-up initiatives and fumigation efforts will also be organised to further control the mosquito population.
Residents are encouraged to co-operate with health authorities and actively participate in keeping their environment clean and mosquito-free. By working together, we can create a healthier and safer living environment for everyone.

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