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Housing Ministry Terminates Contractor Services Amid Quality Concerns.

Housing Ministry Terminates Contractor Services Amid Quality Concerns.

Housing Ministry Terminates Contractor Services Amid Quality Concerns.

The Ministry of Housing in Guyana has terminated the services of at least one contractor involved in the Home Construction Programme due to concerns about the quality of work. Housing Minister Collin Croal revealed that the ministry is facing challenges with contractors working on the program, prompting increased monitoring efforts.

During the ministry’s closing press conference for 2023, Minister Croal acknowledged that they had to take action against two contractors following complaints. One contractor, responsible for building Young Professional homes at Prospect, East Bank Demerara, had their services terminated. Legal action is being pursued to recover money owed to about five beneficiaries.

Housing Ministry Terminates Contractor Services Amid Quality Concerns.

In another case involving a contractor building Young Professional homes at La Bonne Intention (LBI), East Coast Demerara, the contractor received the first tranche from the bank but did not complete the required level of work. Minister Croal stated that this issue is being addressed.

Responding to complaints about delayed and substandard work, as well as overcharging, the Housing Ministry has increased its monitoring capacity. The ministry has employed additional clerks of works to conduct weekly visits to assigned areas for on-the-spot monitoring.

Minister Croal acknowledged that some contractors are facing challenges as well, particularly regarding the perceived low cost of building homes. Contractors have expressed concerns that the costs set by the ministry are too minimal, considering the expenses involved. The Housing Ministry currently offers two categories of pre-built homes: low-income houses and Young Professional homes.

Despite the challenges, the ministry is taking steps to rectify issues and ensure the quality of construction meets the required standards.


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