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Henrietta Resident Remanded to Prison on Firearm Possession Charge

Henrietta Resident Remanded to Prison on Firearm Possession Charge

Henrietta Resident Remanded to Prison on Firearm Possession Charge

Henrietta Resident Remanded to Prison on Firearm Possession Charge

In a recent court appearance at the Charity Magistrate’s Court, Cleon Alphonso, a 32-year-old resident of Henrietta, Essequibo Coast, found himself facing charges of possession of a firearm without a license. The defendant appeared before Magistrate Tamieka Clarke on Monday, April 8th, 2024, to answer to the allegations brought against him.

Alphonso was apprehended by authorities on Tuesday, April 4th, 2024, at Anna Regina Public Road, Essequibo Coast, leading to his subsequent court appearance. During the proceedings, Alphonso initially pleaded guilty to the charge. However, due to concerns regarding his medical condition, a not guilty plea was entered on his behalf.

As a result, Magistrate Clarke ordered Alphonso to be remanded to prison until further notice. The court adjourned the matter to April 30th, 2024, to allow for a comprehensive medical evaluation of the defendant.

The case underscores the seriousness with which firearm-related offenses are treated within the legal system. The outcome of the medical assessment will likely play a crucial role in determining Alphonso’s legal status moving forward.

Residents of Henrietta and the wider Essequibo Coast community are reminded of the legal consequences associated with unlawful possession of firearms and are encouraged to adhere to all relevant laws and regulations governing firearms ownership and usage.

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Further updates on this case will be provided following the scheduled medical evaluation on April 30th, 2024.

Also read 26-Year-Old Hospitalized After Being Shot Five Times in La-Penitance

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