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GPS Prioritizes Education and Training in 2024

GPS Prioritizes Education and Training in 2024

GPS Prioritizes Education and Training in 2024

In a bid to enhance the educational advancement of its officers, the Guyana Prison Service (GPS) recently conducted a two-day training session focusing on Personnel Administration, with 13 prison officers successfully completing the program.

GPS Prioritizes Education and Training in 2024

Facilitated by the Ministry of Home Affairs through its personnel department, the training aimed to equip personnel staff within the GPS with a comprehensive understanding of the rules and regulations governing personnel matters within the Public Service.

Grace Roberts, Staff Welfare officer, highlighted the significance of the training in fostering collaboration among agencies to address challenges effectively and in compliance with public service regulations.

Director of Prisons, Nicklon Elliot, emphasized the strategic importance of investing in education and skills development for both officers and inmates. He noted that such initiatives represent a visionary approach for the prison system in 2024.

Elliot elaborated that the emphasis on education and training within the GPS reflects a commitment to establishing a rehabilitative environment that transcends traditional incarceration methods. This approach aligns with broader efforts to foster rehabilitation and reintegration within the correctional system.

The GPS’s commitment to education and training underscores its dedication to continuous improvement and the holistic development of its personnel and inmates alike, aiming to contribute positively to society’s well-being.

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