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Family Continues Search for Missing Teen Akeela Crandon

Family Continues Search for Missing Teen Akeela Crandon

Family Continues Search for Missing Teen Akeela Crandon

Family Continues Search for Missing Teen Akeela Crandon.

The family of Akela Crandon is still in search of their missing relative, who was last seen on July 9, 2022. Akela, a student of Belladrum Secondary School, left her home around 09:00 hrs with the intention of visiting her grandmother in Georgetown. However, she never reached her destination.

According to Akela’s aunt, Zulima Mitchell, it was a normal practice for Akela and her brother to visit their grandmother in Georgetown during school breaks. On this particular occasion, Akeela traveled alone, as her brother was still sleeping when she left.

Upon realizing that Akeela did not arrive at her grandmother’s home, the family attempted to contact her, but their calls went unanswered. Despite their efforts, the whereabouts of Akela remain unknown.

The family has been actively seeking assistance in the search for Akela, but they have expressed frustration as the police’s interest in the case seems to have waned. It has been over one year and six months since Akela went missing, and the family is still hopeful for her safe return. The family is urging anyone with information about Akela Crandon’s whereabouts to come forward and provide assistance. They can contact the nearest police station. The family appreciates any support from the community in helping to reunite them with their missing loved one.

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