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DPP recommends further investigation into shooting of teenager at workplace

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The Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP), Shalimar Ali-Hack has directed the Guyana Police Force to conduct further investigation into the fatal shooting of 18-year-old Jared Jaganand at an East Coast Demerara (ECD) auto sale.

Police Headquarters has confirmed that the file was resent to the police on Tuesday with the recommendation.

Jagnandan was a fatally shot at Shaf Auto Sales, Lusignan, ECD, on March 21 by a 20-year-old security guard attached to a private secutiry firm.

The teenager was a Sales and Marketing Representative who lived at Martyrs’ Ville, ECD. The guard was employed with the auto company.

Following the shooting, the guard was arrested. However, to date he is yet to be charged.

According to the Police report, the businessman who manages Shaf Auto Sales told the police that he and his wife returned to the store around 11:10hrs after transacting business and observed the suspect and the teen seated in a chair, a short distance away from the security officer’s desk.

The businessman further noted that he and his wife proceeded to his office. A few minutes later they heard a loud explosion in the store.

He told police that he immediately exited his office where he saw Jared lying motionless on the ground with blood on the lower section of his body.

The security officer told him Jared was shot.

Jared was taken to the Woodlands Hospital where he later succumbed to his injuries.

Since the shooting, Jagnandan parents has been calling for a thorough investigation into his death in their quest for justice.

In a recent press statement, the parents claimed that the shooter was not licensed to carry the weapon used to inflict the deadly wound.

They also pointed out that they are considering instituting civil proceedings in the case.

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