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Disabled grandfather awaits two years for operation

disabled grandad sullivan

A disabled grandfather has been left waiting two years for an operation on a sore which has left him bed-bound for up to 18 hours a day. Danny Sullivan says he has no idea when he will finally be called for his long-awaited surgery.

The 75-year-old from Kings Heath in Birmingham says the sore has severely affected his quality of life and means he has to stay in bed for hours to ensure it doesn’t get worse. Mr. Sullivan is paralyzed from the waist down after he was injured in a car crash and uses a wheelchair.

He was hopeful when surgery was first scheduled for April 2020, before the Covid pandemic led to it being put on hold indefinitely. NHS trusts have been told to ensure all patients who have been waiting more than two years are treated.

Because he uses a wheel chair the sore on his buttocks will only get worse if he doesn’t stay off it for long periods.

Disabled grandfather
Disabled grandfather Sullivan awaiting an operation for more than two years
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