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Dharamlall released on $500k bail

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Former government minister Nigel Dharamlall was released on $500,000 bail Tuesday night. He surrendered to the police for questioning in relation to new sexual assault allegations earlier in the day.

The News Room understands that bail was granted with reporting conditions. Dharamlall is required to return to the Cove and John Police Station on Wednesday.

Further information revealed that the case file in the matter remains incomplete. Dharamlall who was accompanied by his attorney, Bernard Da Silva, was questioned for several hours on Tuesday by investigators as part of standard procedures.

The alleged victim, Sarah Hakh, recently filed a formal report against the former minister. Dharamlall, in a statement last week, denied the allegations outright.

Speaking to reporters outside of the police station Tuesday morning, Da Silva said Dharamlall continues to deny the allegations levelled against him.

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