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Dharamlall Allegation: Police investigation must be done without interference – Jagdeo

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A probe into sexual assault allegations levelled against former government minister Nigel Dharamlall is ongoing and Vice President Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo said the Police investigation must be completed without any interference.

Jagdeo, who is also the General Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C), was asked about the party’s recent election of Dharamlall to its Central Executive Committee and his eligibility for appointment to leadership positions.

Jagdeo said the allegations are before a “competent authority” and he wouldn’t speculate on any party discussions that may include Dharamlall.

He, however, pointed out that Dharamlall was duly elected at the recently concluded PPP/C congress.

“The least I speak about it, I think we can allow the course of justice to proceed in a fashion that the people would not deem as interference,” Jagdeo said at a press conference on Thursday.

He later added, “I believe in a fair process, it is going to be fair to the victim and Nigel Dharamlall.

“I want the process that the Police has embarked upon to reach its conclusion and maybe at the end, when the findings are known to the public then maybe I will speak my mind on this matter,” Jagdeo said.

Dharamlall was released on $500,000 bail Tuesday night. He surrendered to the police for questioning in relation to new sexual assault allegations earlier in the day. The alleged victim, Sarah Hakh, recently filed a formal report against the former minister. Dharamlall, in a statement last week, denied the allegations outright.

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