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Construction worker, woman charged for gun possession

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Ronessa Hinds

A 33-year-old construction worker and a 30-year-old woman were both remanded to prison when they appeared at the New Amsterdam Magistrate’s Court charged for illegal possession of a fireman.
Oriel Lindie and Ronessa Hinds both of Overwinning Housing Scheme, New Amsterdam Berbice were taken to court on Monday after they were found in possession of firearm without license on last Thursday at Islington, New Amsterdam Berbice.

Oriel Lindie

Charge laid under section 16 (2)(a) of the Firearm Act Chapter 16:05.
It is alleged that they had one 12-gauge shotgun in their possession.
When they appeared before Magistrate Michaelle Mathias and pleaded not guilty to the offence. However, they were both remanded to prison and the case will continue on July 15.

The post Construction worker, woman charged for gun possession appeared first on Guyana Times.

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