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10 Haimaruni families receive newly constructed houses

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Ten families of Haimaruni in Region One received the keys to their new elevated houses Sunday morning through the Hinterland Housing Programme. 

Each house, which is outfitted with three bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen area, and a water tank is valued at $3.9 million. 

Minister Croal handing over the keys to Basil David and his family

Minister of Housing and Water, Collin Croal, officially handed over the houses during an outreach in the region.

One of the beneficiaries, sixty-three-year-old Mavis Austin, said her new home will provide more space for her family and believes it is a reward for everything she has done for her community.

“I feel so good that I was provided with this home. My old house will be used as a little shop now to help me as I am getting old…I cannot really do the farm work anymore,” Austin stressed.

Minister of Housing and Water, Collin Croal during remarks in Haimaruni

An emotional Basil David said his new house is something he could have never imagined.

Seven persons will be accommodated in the new house.

“I never had any home like this before. This is very big. My old home did not have any rooms like this. I am happy,” David said.

Beneficiaries, Gloria David and her husband Leonard David said they are happy about the gesture since their entire family would be better accommodated.

(from left: Senior Councilor of Haimaruni, Magdalene Joseph, Gloria Leonord, Minister of Housing and Water, Collin Croal and Leonard David

Senior Councillor of Haimaruni, Magdalene Joseph also received a house.

Meanwhile, Minister Croal highlighted that $39 million has been injected into the village economy, through this programme.

Additionally, some 40 of these houses have been handed over to the beneficiaries to date. 

Ten families of Warapoka received their houses on Saturday, while another 10 houses will be handed over to families in Smith Creek.

Beneficiary, Mavis Austin and her husband at their new house

Meanwhile, Minister Croal also emphasised that Haimaruni has significantly evolved over the years through a myriad of interventions and investments. 

Construction work is underway on a communication and information technology (ICT) hub to enhance internet accessibility. 

A shade house has been constructed to cultivate various crops like bora, and peppers, among others, thereby fostering agricultural development. 

These crops will be supplied to villagers and other communities. Poultry rearing is also being undertaken there. Haimaruni also received $15 million from the carbon credit fund.

One of the houses that was handed over on Sunday

Beneficiary, Basil David and his family in their new home

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