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‘Your job is not a 9 to 5’ – Parag tells NDC councillors and overseers

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Neighbourhood Democratic Council (NDC) Councillors and Overseers have one of the most important roles nationally. To successfully execute their day-to-day duties, they are encouraged to be visible in the communities they represent and to the residents.

“You cannot gain or maintain the confidence of the residents if you do not appear.

“The foremost thing should always be the people in your community. The foremost thing should never be self-interest… Engagement with communities and residents is very important. Come out of your offices, make visits to the community, and engage with the community.

“Your job is not a 9 to 5 because you are dealing with people and real issues,” Minister of Local Government and Regional Development, Sonia Parag said on Friday.

She was addressing the launch of an inaugural training for Overseers and NDC Councillors, which was held at the Arthur Chung Conference Centre, Liliendaal.

The training is designed to provide these individuals with the capacity to carry out their roles and responsibilities in the best way possible while utilizing the resources available to ensure satisfaction in communities.

Overseers and NDC Councillors at the training which was held at the Arthur Chung Conference Centre, Liliendaal (Photo: Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development/July 26, 2024)

The one-day session will cover crucial areas such as the legal framework, financial management, record keeping, and community involvement.

In the execution of their daily duties, Parag said one of the most important roles of the NDC councillors and overseers is to strengthen democracy through the Local Government structure.

Equally important, she said, is to ensure integrity, accountability, and transparency.

“You men and women will know more than anyone else what your community needs, what would make the citizens happy and satisfied,” she said.

In doing this, Parag emphasized that engagement with citizens from communities is fundamental.

“The residents of your community will come to you and look to you for assistance with things that obstruct and interrupt their daily lives. They will come to you to alleviate problems they have, and your engagement with them and your representation in trying to solve or alleviate those issues is what helps you keep the people satisfied, happy, and ensures equality in your community,” she explained.

Overseers and NDC Councillors at the training which was held at the Arthur Chung Conference Centre, Liliendaal (Photo: Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development/July 26, 2024)

To gain or maintain the confidence of residents, she told them that they are required to make their appearance. “Err on the side of caution if you have to because if the people decide that they don’t want you anymore, that’s it for you,” Parag said.

The training, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development, Miguel Choo-Kang, said marks a significant milestone in the journey towards enhancing local governance and community development.

“In today’s Guyana, we are all experiencing the rapid growth and development of every sector in the economy. This is why, at the Local Government level, there is a great need to strengthen and manage the resources in all of the NDCs.

“Here is where good governance plays a pivotal role in guiding how we manage using the tools of active participation, the rule of law, transparency, responsiveness, effectiveness, efficiency, and, more importantly, accountability,” Choo-Kang said.

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