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Woman Discovers Property Sold and Demolished Without Consent

Woman Discovers Property Sold and Demolished Without Consent

In a startling turn of events, a 45-year-old woman from Tuschen, East Bank Essequibo (EBE) found herself in disbelief after learning that her property had been sold and demolished without her knowledge. Omedelle Greene, the owner of the property, expressed shock and frustration upon discovering the situation while conversing with a neighbour at Bourda Market.

According to Greene, the property, located at Lot 1040 Block 8 Plantation Tuschen, EBE, was sold sometime between January and February 2024. Greene, who became the owner of the property following her husband’s passing 14 years ago, alleged that her stepson orchestrated the sale without her consent.

The revelation came when a neighbour informed Greene about the demolition of her property during a chance encounter at Bourda Market. Greene, who had been staying in Georgetown for four months to assist her daughter with her newborn, rushed to Tuschen to verify the claims.

Upon arriving at the property, Greene was devastated to find her home dismantled, with her belongings scattered on the land. She recounted the shocking discovery, stating, “The place broke down when I went home, my pot, mattress, they were on the land. This place broke down.”

Seeking answers, Greene learned from neighbours that her stepson had sold the property. Despite denying any involvement in the sale, Greene’s stepson allegedly admitted to the transaction when questioned by neighbours.

Determined to seek justice, Greene filed a report at a nearby police station. Subsequently, an agreement was reached between Greene and her stepson, stipulating a compensation of $3.7 million for the property’s evaluation.

However, Greene claimed that her stepson has failed to fulfill the agreement, prompting her to pursue legal action to ensure proper compensation. Meanwhile, authorities are awaiting statements from the individuals who purchased the land as part of their ongoing investigation.

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The incident underscores the importance of property rights and the legal ramifications of unauthorized transactions, leaving Greene grappling with the aftermath of the ordeal as she seeks recourse through the judicial system.

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