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What’s with…

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Last year, your Eyewitness explained a word that has been gaining currency across the world – “WOKE”! In case you forgot, as the hip Urban Dictionary defined it not so long ago: “Being woke means being aware… knowing what’s going on in the community (related to racism and social injustice)”. It had been part of Black America’s street lingo (like “hip”!) in Harlem and hit white America when the NY Times mentioned it in 1962. Got it, a’ight??
In 1972, this connection with Black America was made explicit when a character in the play “Garvey Lives!” said: “I been sleeping all my life. And now that Mr Garvey done woke me up, I’m gon stay woke. And I’m gon’ help him wake up other black folk”. Since then, the word has expanded its reach into the wider world: oppression knows no boundaries – along race, colour, sex, gender, age, ethnicity, origins, etc.
So being “woke” is to be aware of who’s stepping on whom – and accepting that we gotta stand on the side of the oppressed. The problem is – who decides who’s oppressed!! Of recent, the word’s been given an ironic twist suggesting that some folks place themselves on pedestals from where they can sneer down on others – who aren’t as “woke” as they. So how’s this playing out in Guyana? Here, to be “woke” is easy – just criticise whatever the PPP does!! Doesn’t matter what it is: reaching across the old political divide and recruiting African Guyanese activists to woo votes from that community?? Being woke decides that’s not the most racist thing possible: they’re acting like the “slave catchers” who sold our people into slavery!! If you didn’t know that then, know you not only NOT woke – but BACKWARD!! Being woke means throwing around the words “racial” and “racist” with abandon nowadays – especially before and after our elections.
But why is it that the folks bandying those terms are more “woke” than others? This suggests there’s more in the (social) mortar than the pestle (of race)? So, we gotta be jive to be woke?? Listening to those Opposition talking heads on social media and you’d be forgiven for thinking you’re in deep Alabama!! And expecting folks with pointy hoods burning crosses on your bridge!!
Over in Florida in 2022, Rep Gov De Santis had introduced the “Stop W.O.K.E. Act” – the acronym standing for “Wrong to our Kids and Employees” and prohibited teaching any of eight woke concepts on race. The first is that “Members of one race, colour, national origin, or sex are morally superior to members of another race, colour, national origin, or sex.” Is this the assumption by the PPP haters??
It was however turned down by the Courts!!

…our Region 11??
New York City – we know – is our 11th and LARGEST Region. By some estimates, there’re more Guyanese there than our entire Mudland!! But what’s hardly mentioned, is quite a good chunk of them are illegal!! And they’re now shaking in their boots with the prospect of Trump winning the November elections. Why, you ask, Dear Reader?? Well, you must’ve hibernated over the last few months!! One of the major planks on the Trump platform is he’ll launch the most massive deportation of illegal immigrants in America!!
Forget about Lady Liberty declaring “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.” That’s for WHITE folks coming from Europe!! Last week, there was a report of one raid – under Biden, even! – when no Whites were questioned!! To be a REAL American is to be white!! Trump said these illegals are “poisoning the blood” of America. Never mind Ivana came via an illegal “business marriage”!!
So expect a great return starting next year!!

…supermarket labour?
There was an announcement that one of the supermarkets has installed one of those computerised terminals where you can check out your groceries.
Now that customers are doing the checkout work, shouldn’t they get a 1% discount?

The post What’s with… appeared first on Guyana Times.

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