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‘Unity and solidarity needed to advance Guyana’s development’ – ERC in Independence Day message

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The Ethnic Relations Commission (ERC) extends 58th Independence Day greetings to all  Guyanese. It is a momentous occasion that marks the anniversary of Guyana’s sovereignty and  nationhood. 

On May 26, 1966, Guyana gained independence from colonial rule, ushering in a new era of  freedom, democracy, and national pride. Since then, Independence Day has been a symbol of  patriotism, reminding us of the sacrifices and struggles of our forebears in the fight for  independence and the shaping of our national identity. 

Independence Day is not only a time for celebration but also a time for reflection and renewal. It  is an opportunity for us to reaffirm our commitment to the principles of democracy, equality, and  social justice, which are the foundation of our nation. It is a time to honour the contributions of all  Guyanese towards the development of our Guyana.  

The hoisting of the Golden Arrowhead on this anniversary, and every day in public spaces, honours  our unique Guyanese identity and is a subtle, recurrent reminder that the country remains free and  independent to chart its course. 

Guyanese from all ethnic groups share this independent homeland that guarantees our democratic  rights, such as freedom of worship, association, expression, and equality, among others. Those  freedoms cement the ties of diversity which serves as a bond for togetherness. Our multi-ethnic  national holidays, and our participation in each other’s cultural festivities, represent another major  aspect of our Co-operative Republic that has positively affected ethnic relations. 

It is the view of the Commission that the importance of unity and solidarity in advancing our  nation’s development cannot be understated. We recognize the diversity of our society as a source  of strength and resilience and call upon all Guyanese to embrace our differences and work together  towards prosperity of our nation as the national motto aptly prescribes, ‘One People, One Nation,  One Destiny.’  

Happy Independence to all!

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