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Tragic Accident Claims Life of Teen Involved in Police Pursuit

Tragic Accident Claims Life of Teen Involved in Police Pursuit

Tragic Accident Claims Life of Teen Involved in Police Pursuit

Tragic Accident Claims Life of Teen Involved in Police Pursuit

Tragic Accident Claims Life of Teen Involved in Police Pursuit
Tragic Accident Claims Life of Teen Involved in Police Pursuit

In a devastating turn of events, nineteen-year-old Ramesh Hariprasad of Non Pariel, East Coast Demerara (ECD) has tragically passed away in the early hours of Sunday morning as a result of injuries sustained in an accident. The incident occurred during a police pursuit on March 12 along the Enterprise Access Road, ECD.

According to Hariprasad’s family, despite medical efforts, he remained in critical condition following the accident and never regained consciousness until his untimely demise on Sunday. Another individual involved in the accident, Hemraj Mohamed, 17, also of Non Pariel, ECD, is reported to be in serious condition.

Reports from the police indicate that the teens, Mohamed and Hariprasad, initially attempted to evade two police officers on motorcycle patrol in the Enterprise area by riding without lights. Upon noticing the police presence, the motorcyclists sped onto the access road, which is currently under construction and leads into the Enterprise backlands.

Tragically, during the pursuit, one of the motorcyclists collided with a pile of crushed stones in the center of the road, causing both individuals to lose control of their bikes and sustain serious injuries upon falling.

Although the police lost sight of the bikers momentarily, they swiftly responded to a call for help and summoned an ambulance. Both Hariprasad and Mohamed were subsequently transported to the Georgetown Public Hospital, where they were admitted in serious condition.

The passing of Ramesh Hariprasad has left the community in mourning, highlighting the tragic consequences of road accidents and the importance of road safety. The incident serves as a somber reminder of the dangers associated with reckless driving and the need for heightened vigilance on the roads.

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As investigations into the accident continue, authorities are urging motorists to exercise caution and adhere to traffic laws to prevent further tragedies of this nature.

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