Customs Officers of the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) Tuesday seized a quantity of gold jewelry from three (3) passengers, two of whom are US citizens, as they attempted to leave on an American Airlines flight bound for New York, USA.
The operation, which was fully supported by officers of the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) and the Customs Anti Narcotic Unit (CANU), led to the discovery of approximately 240 ounces of virtually pure gold disguised as silver-plated jewelry that was being transported out of the country without the necessary permits and declaration to Customs Officials. The value of the gold was put at over $560,000 US dollars.
The outgoing passengers were arrested, taken into custody and handed over to the Guyana Police Force. Investigations are continuing to determine whether they are part of ring(s) reportedly smuggling gold out of Guyana.
Charges are likely to be made under the Customs and Anti-Money Laundering Acts, with the relevant Authorities both in Guyana and overseas being informed of the results of the investigations.
The Authority continues to note the alarming trend in the efforts to smuggle items including gold, monetary instruments, arms, and narcotics through ports in Guyana and cautions that all such persons dealing in or contemplating engaging in such illegal activities should cease and desist therefrom, or face the consequences for their actions.
The Revenue Authority again entreats the General Public to report any illicit, unlawful or smuggling activities on telephone number 227-6060, Extensions 3201, 3204, 3205, 3206, 3211, 3212, or 3408. All information provided will be dealt with strict confidentiality.