Two labourers and a security guard were jointly charged on Tuesday with armed robbery. Brian Stevens, 22, a labourer from Haslington, East Coast Demerara; Claudius James, a 20-year-old security officer from South Ruimveldt Squatting Area, Georgetown; and Ronaldo Allicock, a 21-year-old labourer from Providence, East Bank Demerara, were arrested on June 9, 2024 by the Providence Police Station Criminal Investigation Department.
They are accused of committing an armed robbery on a 28-year-old Chinese businessman at YIJIA Supermarket in Providence, East Bank Demerara, on June 3, 2024.
The trio appeared before Magistrate Judy Latchman at the Diamond Magistrate’s Court where they pleaded not guilty. Bail was denied, and they were remanded to prison. The case was adjourned to June 26, 2024.