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President Ali calls on youths to shape a new Guyana, defined by collective success

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At Queen’s College 180th anniversary celebrations

His Excellency Dr Mohamed Irfaan Ali has urged Guyana’s youth to take an active role in shaping a new nation defined by collective success, where everyone can achieve their dreams and aspirations.

The head of state made the appeal to hundreds of students, alumni, members of the government and other dignitaries who convened for a special General Assembly on Monday. The special assembly, hosted at Queen’s College Guyana, forms part of the institution’s 180th anniversary celebrations.

His Excellency Dr Mohamed Irfaan Ali delivering the feature address at the special General Assembly of the Queen’s College

In his feature address, President Ali emphasised that an inclusive winning culture requires individuals to support those who may be falling behind, ensuring their success.

“If your culture of winning is leaving others behind, we have to re-examine that culture, not only for QC but for our country,” he stated accordingly.

According to the head of state, the ultimate goal is to bridge the gap and ensure everyone prospers together. This vision aligns with the tradition and values of an institution, which is not confined to an individual.

He emphasised that success is not confined to a sole institution but is based on equal access to opportunities.

Scene from the special General Assembly held on Monday

To illustrate this, he pointed out that historically Indigenous people could not pursue careers in various professions owing to a lack of access and resources.  Now, with access readily available, more indigenous men and women are taking up professions in the medical and security fields.

He elaborated, “Equal access is equal access to the talent pool that constitutes our teaching profession. How do we get that talent pool available to every student of our country?  That is an important part of equal access.”

Moreover, the head of state asserted that success is not measured by an exam or the status of an institution, but also transcends to living up to its values and using it to make a difference in society. Living up to these values, the institution, in this case, Queen’s College is honoured, President Ali said.

“There will be different points (in your life that will) test your strength, your character, your resilience.  It will test your values. It will test everything that this institution has taught you. It is at that point that you will truly reflect whether you are a product of the institution or not,” he said.

President Ali highlighted the outstanding accomplishments and service provided by past students of QC, expressing his confidence in the institution’s capacity to produce more illustrious men and women.

The Minister of Education, Priya Manickchand and Attorney-at-law Pauline Chase, among others, were among the dignitaries who attended the special assembly.

The Queens College Old Students Association (QCOSA) has planned a week of Activities to commemorate its anniversary.

Scene from the special General Assembly held on Monday

Scene from the special General Assembly held on Monday

Scene from the special General Assembly held on Monday

Scene from the special General Assembly held on Monday

Scene from the special General Assembly held on Monday

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