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Mark Benschop Files 100 Million Guyana Dollars Lawsuit Against Guyanese Critics for Defamation

Mark Benschop Files 100 Million Guyana Dollars Lawsuit Against Guyanese Critics for Defamation

Mark Benschop Files 100 Million Guyana Dollars Lawsuit Against Guyanese Critics for Defamation

Social Activist Mark Benschop Files 100 Million Guyana Dollars Lawsuit Against Social Media Commentator Mikhail Rodrigues for Defamation

Mark Benschop Files 100 Million Guyana Dollars Lawsuit Against Guyanese Critics for Defamation
Mark Benschop Files 100 Million Guyana Dollars Lawsuit Against Guyanese Critics for Defamation

In a recent development, Mark Benschop, a prominent social activist and Managing Director of Benschop Radio 107.1FM, has taken legal action against social media commentator and Government contractor Mikhail Rodrigues, widely known as the “Guyanese Critic.” Benschop has filed a lawsuit amounting to $ GUY 100,000,000, alleging defamation against him.

According to court documents obtained by Nightly News, Benschop claims that Rodrigues made defamatory statements against him on January 23, 2024, through his Facebook social media platform. The statements in question allegedly accused Benschop of leading black individuals, specifically African Guyanese, to their deaths within the premises of the President’s office. Rodrigues purportedly suggested that Benschop deserved a life sentence in prison for his actions, insinuating that former President Jagdeo had pardoned him.

Benschop, represented by his attorney Senior Counsel Roysdale Forde, asserts in the court documents that Rodrigues’ statements have severely damaged his personal and professional reputation. The lawsuit outlines six key conclusions that readers of Rodrigues’ statements may infer, including Benschop’s alleged responsibility for the deaths of African Guyanese, his purported criminality, and unsuitability for society.

In response to the allegations, Benschop aims to hold Rodrigues accountable for the irreparable harm caused to his reputation. The lawsuit underscores the seriousness with which Benschop regards the defamation, emphasizing the impact it has had on his standing within the community and his professional endeavors.

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This legal action marks a significant step in Benschop’s efforts to seek justice and restore his reputation in the face of what he perceives as damaging and unfounded accusations. As the case unfolds, it will likely draw attention to the complexities surrounding free speech, social media influence, and the legal boundaries of expression in the digital age.

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