Learn to Speak Minionese in this blog post. Have you ever wondered what exactly the minions are saying? In our previous blog post, we highlight a few words you can learn with minions.
Minionese is the minion language and there are lots of words you can learn. To understand what these lovely little creatures are saying in the popular illumination films.
Here are a few Minionese to make you understand what the minions are saying
- Bello! ~Hello!
- Poopaye! ~Goodbye!
- Tank yu! ~Thank you!
- Me want banana! ~I’m hungry!
- Bananonina! ~Ugly!
- Underwear I ~swear
- Bee Do Bee Do Bee Do! ~Fire!
- Tulaliloo ti amo! ~We love you!
- Tatata bala tu! ~I hate you!
- Baboi ~Toy
- Po ka ~What
- Bable ~Apple
- Gelato ~Ice cream
- Butt ~Butt
- Hana ~One
- Dul ~Two
- Sae ~Three
- Para tu ~For you
- Chasy ~Chair
- Kan pai ~Cheers!
- Pwede na ~Can we start?
- Luk at tu! ~Look at you!
- Muak Muak Muak ~Kiss kiss
- Bi do ~I’m sorry
- La Boda ~Marriage
- Buttom ~Bottom
- Stupa! Stupa ~Stop! Stop!
- Sa la ka! ~How dare you!
- Tank yu! ~Goodbye!
Is Minionese language a real language?
Minionese, the language of the minions, is not a real-world language—rather, it’s a borrowed language from existing languages that have been mixed together to create the gibberish that these cute, cuddly creatures speak.
Check out this Netflix series explaining the minion’s language
Do you love the minions? Let us know what other Minionese you know.