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Investigation into Brutal Murder of Chinese National Nears Completion

Investigation into Brutal Murder of Chinese National Nears Completion

Investigation into Brutal Murder of Chinese National Nears Completion

March 18, 2024

Authorities are set to conclude their investigation into the tragic murder of Chinese national Yang Lisong, with the case expected to be forwarded to the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) for legal guidance later today. Meanwhile, the three suspects—Darvy Diaz De Costa, Pharrel Prince Adelph, and Oscar Alside Scanio—remain in police custody.

Investigation into Brutal Murder of Chinese National Nears Completion
Investigation into Brutal Murder of Chinese National Nears Completion

The incident, which occurred last Thursday at the Eteringbang Landing supermarket along the Cuyuni River, resulted in the death of Yang Lisong, 41, and injuries to his wife, Wen Shuping.

A post-mortem examination conducted on Monday revealed that Yang succumbed to an incised wound to his neck, coupled with blunt trauma to his head. His remains have been handed over to his family for burial arrangements.

During the ordeal, the assailants, in addition to inflicting harm on the victims, seized a quantity of raw gold. Shuping’s life was spared following her plea for mercy.

Reports indicate that the suspects, under interrogation, provided detailed accounts of their involvement in the crime. De Costa purportedly executed the fatal act upon instructions from Scanio, who allegedly ordered the killings. Adelph, on the other hand, reportedly aided in binding Shuping and looting the supermarket.

Adelph admitted to the discovery of an unspecified amount of raw gold during the robbery, and he relinquished a piece of gold weighing 4.3 grams to authorities, which he purportedly obtained during the crime. Scanio, however, denied any involvement in seizing gold, claiming he functioned solely as a lookout during the incident.

As the investigation draws to a close, law enforcement officials continue to gather evidence to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the events leading up to the heinous crime. The cooperation of the suspects in providing their accounts of the incident has been pivotal in advancing the inquiry.

Efforts to bring justice for the victim and his family remain paramount, and the swift progression of the investigation reflects the dedication of law enforcement agencies to uphold the rule of law and safeguard the community against such egregious acts of violence.

Updates on the case will be provided as they unfold.

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