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“Ghost elections”

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Dear Editor,
It was Dr Cheddi Jagan who first raised the issue of “ghost elections” in Guyana. It was the statement commonly used by that great man to describe elections held here.
Dr Jagan’s use of the term “ghost elections” resulted from the repeated blatant acts of fraud committed by the PNC many times over. At one point in history, things got so bad that Dr Jagan decided to boycott the 1979 Referendum in protest of the wanton acts of fraud that went unchecked. But even that was not enough to stop them, because they went on to rig that referendum vote with an overwhelming majority, even though less than 30% of the electorate turned out to vote. Soon after that, the Burnham Constitution of 1980 was crafted.
The point is that the PNC were clever in their delivery of this voting method. It is a plan that served them well for over three decades, and there was no need to change it.
Fast forward to 2020, when clever turned to clumsy as the PNC, PNC/R, now APNU/AFC dug tenaciously back into that rigging strategy, hid the SOPs, then shamelessly submitted their own figures, all done before an international audience. This was the most transparent act ever, and it left the foreign observers utterly dumbfounded.
When they were caught in the act, they landed on another plan of action: that is, speak of the process in disparaging terms, claiming it was the PPP/C who rigged the elections by the use of ghost electors.
This was the first time that the term “voting by ghost ballots” became a household word in their lexicon. This was the time the PNC and their minions adopted that kind of language. And this is the reverse psychology that has enveloped them ever since.
Even more egregious is the fact that the PNC are guilty of manufacturing votes of persons dead and alive in the now-outlawed system of overseas voting. This was a vulgar display of earning votes by fraud well documented in the number of electors from St Lucia. In that election, there were more votes than the population of that country.
Further, when it was confirmed that they had lost the 2020 Elections, the PNC then turned to the dead for assistance, where several seances were held at Seven Ponds, reminiscent of Papa Doc Duvalier in Haiti. No wonder Guyana and Haiti are closely connected in this occult cycle of voodooism.
Finally, we know it, and history has confirmed it: that the PNC has an inordinate obsession with power, and it goes the full length. They are prepared to use all illegal means to achieve it. They also possess that consuming desire to stay in power for an indefinite period by whatever means necessary.
That obsession with using illegal means has to be stopped. It is now confirmed that laws are well in place to bar them from carrying out that exercise again.
Neil Adams

The post “Ghost elections” appeared first on Guyana Times.

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